Thursday, February 13, 2003

It�s been almost a week since I�ve had no internet connection and I have to say that not being connected to the outside world is a somewhat strange feeling. I really have no idea what is going on in Iraq, if Los Angeles is in the middle of a civil war, or if President Bush is done reading �The Cat in the Hat�?

Life here in Martuni has not changed much and the only thing new would have to be the renovation of our water system is moving forward at lightning speed.

If I have not mentioned this before, USAID with the coordination of Catholic Relief Services, is renovating the entire water system in the city of Maruni and also other areas in Artsakh.

They have dug up my street to install a new water main. When completed, we are to have water 24 hours a day. This also means that the days of the big water tanks and reserve pools will just be a memory.

Winter has been kind to us so far and we have been fortunate to have very mild weather. Though it rained yesterday, today, the sun came out and the muddy streets will dry up in the next few of hours.

As for the theft and crime in Yerevan, I don�t want to press my luck, but we really don�t have that problem at all here in Artsakh and never once have I even given a second thought about leaving my car unlocked and even the keys in it.

Well I have so much to catch up on with the internet, so I better get going.

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