Saturday, August 02, 2003

Well I got an e-mail from the guests that were coming from Yerevan, informing me that they have postponed their trip. I guess this is good, as though my foot is not really all that bad, I know that if I don�t keep it elevated for at least a few hours, it will swell and bother me for a week.

So while elevating my foot, I�ve been working on my book, which is turning out to be much more work than I was hoping for and I�ve also come to realize that it�s also a very big responsibility to write a book on the subject of life here. There are so many issues that must be covered in this book and they must be covered in a very responsible way.

One thing I have come to realize about this book, like it or not, as politically correct as it may be, in today�s world, it could be viewed by some as very politically incorrect. This means that everything I say, has to have facts and evidence to back up my statements so if I come under attack (which I hope I don�t, but know this is a very real possibly), I can and will defend myself.

The subject I am now working on is foreign aid and its effects on life here and how it has hindered development. Unfortunately, most everything I�ve documented and my analyses really has nothing good to say about any kind of aid (even the kind I�m providing) and paints a picture of aid as being the most negative force in our country today (even more than corruption, since it feeds into making corrupt people even more powerful). There will be a mention of the Armenian Assembly, which will note that the best thing Azerbaijan has going for it is the AA and their working to block foreign aid to Azerbaijan, a country that as a result has greater potential to learn to fish.

Well, I�m not going to bore you with anything more in regards to the up and coming book that the more I work on it, the more I�m thinking that just maybe no one will be interested in reading, as though there will be happy stories in it, for the most part the only thing that it could accomplish is to help increase the sales of antidepressants. Start buying shares in pharmaceutical companies, as I get the feeling there is going to be a big demand for Prozac in the near future.

One thing I�ve come to realize is that my most prized belongings are my �books� (or in my case, text files and information found on the internet). I remember as a kid not caring that much about reading anything, but now I have veracious appetite for literature and knowledge. I�m even thinking about taking some courses so I can become a professional writer, as there is so much that I want to share with people and the best way is in books and articles.

Okay, I�ll stop boring you with my babbling and let you get back to more important things and I�ll get back to working on my book.

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