Saturday, July 14, 2001

Being born in America and living here sparks people's curiosity, as they want to know what life is like in America. I tell them that America has its good points and its bad points. I tell them that the biggest difference between America and Artsakh is the violent crime. Here we can leave our doors unlocked all the time, where in America, everyone has the habit of locking their doors even when they are home. I'm sure that there are other advantages and disadvantages to living in the Diaspora. Here, the conversations usually end with the natives saying that I must be different, since everyone here seems to have a desire to leave. For that reason, I need your help to better give a better understanding of what life is like outside of Armenia and Artsakh and I invite you to write to me to tell me your thoughts on this subject so I can pass along what you have said to the people I talk with. You can write me at:

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