Sunday, May 30, 2004


As the weather warms up, the youth of Armenia and Artsakh find fellowship in their neighborhoods.

It seems since independence, the economical deprived youth spend their days sitting outside their houses and the "dogs of summer", who are the jobless male youths, sit around a talk among themselves and watch girls, who at times they also approach.

The place where my fiance lives, seems to have more than its share of "dogs" and though we are use to them looking from the street to our bedroom window, today I we had a couple of dogs make their way to the roof of the neighboring building to catch a birds-eye view of our bedroom with us resting. Were not sure how long this has been going on, but even if it just started today, it really didn't make us happy at all. Kind of a creepy feeling to say the least.

It seems that in this country, everything goes and the feeling of anarchy is stronger than ever, with people just doing whatever they feel like doing, even things that don't correspond with written law. It's as if were living back in a jungle with animals everywhere.

In the last couple of years, it seems that the number of "dogs of summer" has increased and a few conversations with such youths have provided an inside look at who they are and why they "girl watch"

It seems that many of them have a desire to get married, but due to a lack of jobs or viable economic opportunities, they don't get married, but still have a need to satisfy their urges and any level of education, cultural or family values is not going to change things for most of them in their way of thinking that girls are for the taking, that is if you don't get your eyes scratched out or charges pressed, but even in those cases, you can buy your way out of such trouble.

One of the effects of the "dogs of summer" I have written in the past and that is forced relationships with at times unwilling girls, who after such relationships are culturally unfit to be wed and in some cases enter into prostitution after being labeled as such, even if they were not.

So what did I do about the "peeping dogs of summer" on the roof? Well what could I do other than what any good Armenian can do and stick my head out the window and give them my look of disapproval, which got them to back away from the edge of the roof and eventually back to the street where they belong. Next time, I'll photograph them and then talk to their mothers to see how they feel about their dogs?

Anyway, I really better get going, as I'm in an internet cafe and my fiance is at another computer across the room, with a couple of the "dogs of summer" trying to start a conversation with her with hopes of who knows what.

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