Thursday, July 29, 2004

I was watching CNN this morning when news of Saudi Arabia wanting to create a Muslim troop force to go to Iraq to replace a comparable part of the coalition forces was reported.   The terms for this would be that the Muslim troops have to be invited by the [US appointed] Iraqi government and be under U.N. command.  Will this put an end to the problems there?  No, it will just further destabilize the region and create more division among Muslim countries.  Maybe this is what the US wants, as this is a classic technique used in US Military Low Intensity Conflict (LIC).  From the pictures, it looked like it was the US proposing this idea to a Saudi king and not Saudi Arabia’s idea.

As part of Democratic Presidential candidate John Kerry’s plan to prevent US personnel in uniform from being held hostage because of America’s dependency of oil, Democratic Vice-Presidential candidate John Edwards says they are also going to raise minimum wage and finish welfare reform so no American working fulltime will live in poverty (which he implies there are many of today).  Edwards added that they will strengthen homeland security and use the military to keep America safe.

Now if I understand all this correctly, this means that to make good on their promise to oil dependent America, they will have to send more US personnel to bring home the oil and also get the World Trade Organization (WTO) to further enslave third-world countries so $1,000 VCR’s no longer cost $70, but $35, thus increasing the level of poverty in the under-privileged parts of the world and making everything more affordable so Americans no longer live in poverty. 

It looks like Kerry and Edwards are saying what they need to in order to get into office, but have no idea what awaits them. Just like every elected president over the last couple decades have been making promises to the Armenians of genocide recognition, but once in office, they realize that Turkey is too important of an ally to fulfill their campaign promises.  If Kerry/Edwards keep their campaign promises (which I doubt they will), the world outside of America is going to become an even more unstable and unbearable place to live, as to feed the needs of the American people comes with a very high price for country that America’s economy is fed by.

In short, it looks to me that irregardless of who is elected, taking into account what Kerry is proposing and what Bush is doing, things outside of America will not get better, but only worse and if this happens, then acts of terrorism towards America could in fact only get worse and at some point people will have to come to terms with their past and present, so our children and grandchildren will have a chance to see a brighter future than we are seeing today.  America, it’s time of a lifestyle change and if your going to wait for an elected official to implement that needed change, your going to be waiting a long time. 

I hope this will be my last log about this subject, as my writing about this will certainly not influence those in power to consider my ideas and God knows I really do have better things to do, like maybe build a bomb-shelter or plant a nice garden with roses and green grass.  I could also take down my satellite antenna and use it this winter as a sled, that is if global warming does not prevent us from getting snow this year.

Don’t get me wrong, I really do enjoy life and am a believer of such sayings as “if life gives you lemons, make lemonade”, or the Armenian saying of “a jackass never gets stuck in the same mud twice”.

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