Tuesday, August 20, 2002

I just got finished visiting with a worker from the bank who came to my house to see if I could help her. With her was her very cute daughter who recently graduated from the university.

She told me her hardship story of having a total household income of 40,000 dram (less than $80) a month and having 6 people trying to survive from that amount. I knew that I would be getting such visits, but not one from a bank worker who knows exactly how much and to who we are helping.

I told her that so far we have selected 11 people to be recipients of help from our sponsors and I have hopes by years end we will have 100 people receiving such aid. I further explained to her that she would probably not fall within the 100 people, as they are primarily going to be people who have no children, unable to work and thus no future.

What her able body family needs is employment or business opportunities, which is what I�m always trying to create. Unfortunately, there are well over 4,000 people who are in the same situation as this woman just in the city of Martuni.

BTW, have any of you considered sponsoring someone here or passing on this idea to someone you know would be capable of doing this? I know none of you have, as I have no new takers. This really is not all that difficult to do and is only $50 a month to help out a fellow human who was not as lucky as most of us are.

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