Monday, April 26, 2004

Since the start of the Iraqi war, I have not really had any guests from the US visit me in Artsakh until recently.

My guest is a close blood relative, who I have been showing the sites in Artsakh and will later take to Armenia for a real inside look at life there too.

An interesting conversation that has been repeated a few times already while visiting with the natives is the Iraqi war and my guests opinion?

Keep in mind, I am very fond of my guest, but on this issue, I seem to get very upset and though the people we are visiting act kindly and polite, I pull out all the stops and lay in with all my guns and very strong opinion that has not made for a pretty site for anyone including myself, but I tell you, I can’t take what has been said and will share it with you also.

The question comes up what my relative thinks the greater American public thinks of the Iraqi war?

The answer is that for the most part, no one approves of it and thinks that it is wrong.

Now I’m fully okay with that, but when a statement of how the American public understands that it is very important not to repeat a mistake of 40 years ago and how veterans from Vietnam were being mistreated when they returned home and spit on as women and baby killers and how the American public knows that this would be wrong to do that to those that served in Iraq, I have a real problem with.

For one thing, the people who served in the US armed forces during Vietnam were for the most part drafted into the army and by law had to fight, where today’s US army are volunteers and no one is forcing them to go and fight in a war, so there is more reason to call them woman and baby killers.

Then when the comment of how just because a government does something, does not mean that you can blame the common people, for the most part, they are not bad, I go off again and state that the government is a reflection of it’s people and if the people allow the government to do something, then the people have to be ready to answer since it’s being done “in the best interests of the people”.

At that point, I agreed with my guest and said that he was right, the American public had no right to call their military personal baby killers, because they are going to fight a war for oil, which everyone knows that the 250 million persons (less than 5% pf the world’s population) that live in American today consume 25% of the worlds energy resources, so for that reason, America and the minority of the wealthy nations have to bring home the very much needed resource for their parasite population and if a few woman and babies die in the process, so be it, "it's for the best interests of the people".

Yes, it was a very ugly situation, though in the end, my guest agreed with me and I hope that the next time he is asked the question, he will not bring up the importance of how all Americans are responsible for killing innocent women and babies so they can live like the gluttons and parasites they are.

And you wonder why so many people outside of America hate Americans? Don't get me wrong, I don't hate Amreicans, I feel very sorry for those that are born into that trap. As for those who chose to move there and partake in the feast, don’t look to me for any sympathy.

Do I feel any better for writing this and having that conversation with my guest and the people who we were visiting? Not really, since I know that for the most part, the American public and the other 6 wealthy nations will continue to suck off the resources of the world that nature didn’t intend for them to have, thus further upsetting the balance and causing hardship and suffering for the majority of the worlds population. Very sad.

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