Sunday, March 03, 2002

Today, my �building contractor� and I went to Stepanagert for materials for my downstairs bathroom.

As we were nearing Aghdam (which is on the way to Stepanagert), he was telling me how every time he sees Aghdam, he can�t believe that we were able to win that battle and put the Turks out of harms way.

I reminded him that there was not much of a fight and that operation took a matter of days. I asked him why we succeeded? He said that at that time the Turks were in a panic and fled for their lives. The Azeris knew that their government had angered the Armenians with their attempt to cleanse Azerbaijan and Artsakh of all Armenians and for that, the Armenians were extremely potent fighters. It�s true that the Azeris had many tanks and other equipment that we did have, but they were not as motivated to fight and panicked.

He said before that, the Armenians of Martuni were also in a panic and were being told that the Turks were going to come from Aghdam, attack and everyone needs to be prepared to fight. He said all they had at the time were hunting rifles, rocks and steal spears made by the local machine shops from reinforcement rod.

From the news of an immanent attack and their David and Goliath situation, many people were moving their families and possessions out and off to Stepanagert or Yerevan. The only reason people ended up staying in the end was because of Monte Melkonian. He said that if it was not for Monte, we would have lost Martuni for sure. People didn�t stay because they felt safer that Monte was there, but because Monte would not let them leave.

Monte had two check-point set-up on the main road leaving the region and would not allow people to take their children out. He said that Monte knew that someone fighting on the frontline would fight much better if they knew that they were standing in between the Turks and their children. The fathers held the frontline not so much to defend this land, but to make sure their wife and children didn�t fall victim to the Turks.

The mother-in-law of one of those fighters from Martuni once told me that she use to ask her son-in-law during the very early days of the conflict, before we had an organized army, why he goes every night to the frontline to stand guard? She tried to encourage him to come home at night, as he had a wife and 5 children. He finally told her that he had to go and make sure the Turks didn�t get pass him and near his daughters. She said she never asked him again that and now when she visits his grave, she understands that he was a better father than she had ever imagined.

In Stepanagert a few months ago, I was in a shop that sells window glass and the owner was telling me a similar story.

He said that he could not believe that the Armenians have become such good fighters. In the past, Armenians have been merchants and peaceful people that in most cases head to the hills when it comes to a fight.

He said that in the case of Stepanagert, he believes we won because of a big mistake the Turks made and that was to not give the Armenians an escape route. Effectively, the Truks had surrounded us in a pit and were ready to kill every living thing they came in contact with. And believe me, if they could have, they would have.

He said that while Stepanagert was being bombed from Shushi, Askeran and any other place the Turks had control of, fighters were being born. He said that those people that he would have never expected to ever fire a gun were forced to eventually come out of their dark basements and fight. He said that many of them made great fighters as they were highly educated and had the advantage of skills that they could apply to their fighting technique. I guess it�s also motivating when bombs are constantly being dropped and you know your only choice is to kill or be killed. I would think that�s not a very difficult choice to make. People lost their fear of being in battle and only for that reason he believes we won. He said that we have to thank the Turks for bringing out what was lacking in us for the last 1000 years.

Well in my opinion, the Karabagh Armenians have overcome a huge hurdle that none of our ancestors have been able to do for the last 1000 year or maybe even longer. They have stood up for what is rightfully theirs and are holding their ground today. Yes, we still have a long way to go, but I believe that one day we will get to where we need to so we can really live happy and productive lives, making this whole struggle worth it.

I have a challenge to every Armenian living on foreign soil. Find within you what the Armenians of Karabagh have found. In today�s world, unfortunately, we all have to be fighters. As sad as that may seem, it�s true. I�m not saying fighters with guns, but fighters with purpose. I get so many messages from people telling me how they feel that everyday they live on foreign soil, they are loosing their identity as Armenians. They know they are Armenian, but as time goes on, they feel they are a little less Armenian. I encourage everyone to find something that you can get involved with that is Armenian. Something that you can be proud of. I also encourage everyone to feel ownership to this land that we call Armenia and Artsakh. It is your land and no one can tell you otherwise.

I wish you all the biggest success in becoming who you really are.

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