Friday, April 05, 2002

For some reason, I thought today was Thursday and missed the on-line chat that I told you so much about. No big deal, I�ll just read the transcript and see what Vartan O had to say.

Today I went to the village of Spitagashen and picked up the twin beds and a really nice table that I ordered. It�s really nice and now all that is left is to have to mattresses brought from Yerevan. By the time the conference rolls around, I should be able to accommodate 10 to 12 people in real beds and an unlimited amount on the floor. I say this as I have already made promises to a few people to bring them on a tour of Artsakh following the conference. I�m sure by that time we will have a mini van full.

Tomorrow is Saturday and if the weather is good, the concrete slab roof is going to be installed on my office and part of the upstairs living room. I can finally see progress in construction on my house.

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