Wednesday, April 10, 2002

If your following the Diaspora log, you will know that the subject of Nune Yesayan and her Yerevan concert with the average ticket of $100 is roaring like an out of control fire.

I made a comment about how I thought that our very own Lena looks like Nune and Lena answered back that she didn�t think so.

Well Lena, since you have given me permission to post your picture, I think we need to settle this matter of opinions once and and for all and let the readers vote on if Nune looks like you or not.

If we decide that the two of them look similar, we should also find out if they think and act the same.

For the sake of our readers appetite of wanting to know, I am willing to sacrifice my vow of celibacy and take Lena out on a date (she has already accepted) the next time I�m in Yerevan and arrange to do the same with Nune. This all in the name of science. If and when the two dates are completed, I will present on this log a report as to my findings. ;o)

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