Wednesday, May 21, 2003

Well guess what? Where cutting stone!!!

Yes, were up and running and I have to tell you that I was not expecting things to really go so well today.

When I brought my engineer from Stepanagert to put the final touches on the main saw, 20 minutes into our work, the power went out.

I called the mayor who told me that the power to the entire city would be out until 5 PM.

So we did everything we could and at 3 PM, the power came on and we fired up the saw.

Not to drag this log out since you can only write so much about cutting stone, but I have to tell you that I’m very pleased with the results of the work everyone has put in on our equipment.

I also got an invitation to dinner from the CRS people, who came to Martuni today to do an inspection of the new water system.

I only had time to sit with them for tea and would like to report that the city of Martuni now has the potential of having water 24 hors a day.

Anyway, I’m really tired and need to now check my e-mail and then get some sleep. It’s been a long day.

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