Monday, May 26, 2003

Yesterday my cabinet-maker and I went out to my lake to take measurements for the furniture he will build for my dacha.

Though I find most places in Artsakh to be restful, there is something about water that is the most relaxing, not to mention my lake is quite secluded and off the beaten path, meaning that people don�t bother me there.

I know I�m dreaming, but I�m really hoping that as soon as I decide on what I�m going to have made in terms of furniture, it will be ready in a month so this year I will be able to go to my lake on weekends to just relax.

The heavy rains we have been experiencing this last week has caused quite a bit of crop damage and the fields upstream from my lake, which are the most fertile in all of Artsakh are underwater and the level of my lake is up quite a bit.

This also means that like last year, all that wheat that was growing in those fields upstream has been washed into my lake to feed my fish, which may mean the truck loads of feed I was going to dump into the lake could be drastically reduced. They should think about planting rice in those fields instead of wheat and garden vegetable.

The stone factory is working well and so far it�s been smooth sailing. Let�s hope it continues to be this easy.

Next month, as soon as we catch up on the orders we have, I�m going to have to send samples abroad to see if we can secure some contracts to export our tiles.

Well I�m off to the chicken farm to pick-up a sack of chicken heads for the puppies who are now 4 months old and turning into quite the guard-dogs I was hoping they would.

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