Wednesday, January 22, 2003

Today I met with an investigator at the Prosecutor�s office over the death of Vartush Myrig.

The meeting in all took 20 minutes and the question of if I ever heard Vartush Myrig talk about suicide came up 3 times. I told him that she had only mentioned how she was not well looked after by her son and bride and that it was clear that she was not happy with her living conditions, but never did she talk about suicide with me.

He asked me why I was helping her with food? I told him that before the help, she use to beg to the neighbors for food and it became clear that she was not able to provide for herself from the money she received. I also mentioned that I believed that her son was taking a good part of her pension and once she even suggested that.

Though I�m sure if I asked for more details of what had happened, he would have told me what was going on, but I personally don�t want to know too much about this case and will wait to see how the law is applied.

I then went to meet with the Deputy Prosecutor and he started in on me about why was I giving her food? He said that if we suspected that her family was mistreating her, we should have reported it as there are laws that protect her from such treatment.

It seems that the law reads that when one gets old, your children automatically are responsible for your care and only if they withdraw in writing such responsibility and award their elder to the state, they have to answer for their elders welfare. This sure was news to me and seems like a good law that America does not even have.

Unfortunately for Vartush Myrig and fortunately for me, I had never seen her living conditions with my own eyes, though my contractor and I had plans to do that a couple of months ago to see how her life had changed with the aid, but got too busy with the new factory. If I had seen her living conditions and had done nothing about it, I could have possibly been found guilty of some form of negligence.

My conversation with the Deputy Prosecutor went on for an hour as we discussed the law and the lack of how it�s not being applied and enforced.

I asked him if he really feels that if someone had reported the neglect that Vartush Myrig was under if something would have really been done?

I reminded him how I had documented the exploitation of the little adopted girl who has a deformed hand who was put to work to beg for her family and his boss (the Prosecutor) who I reported it too, did nothing and the only one that got fall out over it was me when the abuser complained to President Kocharian, who harassed me instead of upholding the law.

I got the feeling from the Deputy Prosecutor that they were going to charge the son and bride with neglect or causes they created so Vartush Myrig committed suicide or murder.

I would also like to note something for those that make comments on my logs from now on. You can say anything you want in the comments as long as you use a real name and valid e-mail address. If your comment lacks such information, it will be deleted without exception. And of course the �float your boat� policy still does apply even if you do follow all the other rules.

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