Thursday, October 02, 2003

For the last 30 hours I was away from Martuni and in Stepanagert and Shushi, dealing with once again NK Arts business. Though the festival this year is over, there was work to be done to tie up loose ends.

Prior to my return to Martuni, I went butcher-shop hopping, looking for beef bones for my dog. I found 9 kilos (a little less than 20 pounds) and a cows head.

I stopped at my general managers house on the way home to drop something off and got her 73 year old father to cut the tongue and brains out so we can eat them for dinner tomorrow. He spilt the head open with an ax and chopped it up into manageable pieces. He commented that in all his life, he had never seen such a healthy cows head with so much fat on it. And I thought it was small. His grandson who is visiting from the West, told me that cows here are small and it’s because in the West we feed cows special feed. His grandmother said that this is true, but our meat is much sweater because our cows here eat wild flowers and natural grown grasses.

It’s time for a hot shower and bed.

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