Wednesday, October 29, 2003

I know your going to think I'm too soft, but the weather changed yesterday and it just got too cold for me so today I installed the woodstove and started to heat the house. I'm not sure if winter is here, but for the last couple of days we have had rain, fog and some very gray weather.

Yesterday, Jeff Ryan and I went to Nungi to the pottery studio (see: as they had fired the kiln and we needed to be present for the unloading. No the greatest weather, but what came out of the kiln was some great stuff. This is not exportable stuff, but stuff for the local market here in Artsakh. Flowerpots, yogurt jars, large pickling containers, wine bottles and these cups called "Piti" cups, which is a cup that they put in half a tomato, one potato, some chick-pees, fat from a lambs butt and spices and cook it in the cup on the stove. The more you use it, the better the flavor gets as the fat mixes into the pot and retains some flavors. I have not had this, but they say it is very good and this product so far seems to be a good seller.

We loaded up my jeep with a bunch of the flowerpots and brought them back with us to Martuni, where today we took them to a couple of the stores. I think this stuff will sell well and it was interesting that when we went into one of the stores, I told the lady that we had some goods to sell and she didn't seems interested until I mentioned that they were made in Nungi, which got her attention and desire to want some for herself. We left 20 pieces with her to sell.

Last night we also went to dinner at Rosa Myrig's house. Jeff really liked Rosa Myrig, who seemed to be in a good mood. They are building a bathroom onto their house and they got the roof on it just a few hours before the rains started. I hope they get it done before winter sets in, as going to the outhouse in the snow and rain at their age or any age for that matter is a real pain.

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