Friday, December 05, 2003

This is going to be a very quick log.

I just woke up a little while ago to the sound of my doorbell ringing and was woke from a very strange dream.

I was dreaming that in Martuni we were having a huge feast and what we were eating was birds. Not just turkeys and chickens, but there were also a couple of wild birds of pray, one being a large Hawk and one an Eagle.

These birds were all alive and it was my job to heard them up (they for some reason were unable to fly). What was strange about this dream that I seemed to be the only one that could get near to the Hawk and Eagle, who I felt really sorry for, but I was thinking that as much as I am not into killing endangered birds of the wild, I have to not upset the cultural norm here.

So I got hold of the Eagle, which could have clawed and bit me but didn’t. I took it over to the Mayor who had an ax in his hand and was working on chopping heads off of these birds (in real life, he does not at all like this job and it’s always left up to his mother or me to do this dirty work). His father was helping him with the slaughters and after me handing the Eagle to him (which he didn’t seem to had a problem handling it), they were trying to chop it’s beak off before the head.

I could not figure why they were chopping of the beak first instead of putting the poor bird out of it’s misery and could not watch them chipping that this beautiful birds beak.

I’m not sure what happened next, but the doorbell rang and not to say I didn’t want to see what was going to happen next, but I was glad to be woken from such a memorable dream.

Anyway, I wonder what this dream meant? Any ideas?

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