Monday, September 22, 2003

I’m in Yerevan and arrived this morning at 4 AM. It was a long drive.

I came to attend the first Armenian Diaspora Economic Conference. I wont get into details, as I want to go to the place I’m staying and get some sleep, as tomorrow I have to get an early start.

In the morning I’ll be attending a session on Economic Policy and in the afternoon will be the session on Agriculture and Food Production.

I would love to have a conference that would be titled “Karabagh, Asset or Liability?” Were thinking about maybe doing this in cooperation with a university. Ufff, another project, but one I think we need to do to get people in tune with reality (this could put me, the guy that sees Artaskh as an asset to understand something I just don’t see today, who knows).

Sorry if this log reads really bad, but I had 3 hours of sleep yesterday and this after only having a few hours each day for the last week. Time to go get some sleep, before I wake up and then can’t sleep.

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