Friday, September 19, 2003

Though I should be sleeping right now, I was reflecting on how demanding and how much of my time the NK Arts festival consumed. I mean the 10-hour a week job turned into a fulltime job and then some for the last couple of weeks, result in my stone factory to practically come to a grinding halt. In fact I'm still working on damage control everyday and don't know if I'll get things under control anytime soon since I still have not finished my work with NK Arts.

But in my reflection of the rewards that I get working with NK Arts, I really feel that even with the financial loss that has come so far with this experience, it was all worth it.

There may be one great thing that no amount of money can buy and this is not a reward that anyone can gift or I can ask for. It's also not anything I was looking for or expecting. If I didn't get involved with NK Arts, my stone factory would be doing great, but I would not be possibly claiming this reward that I've been waiting for since I moved to Artsakh and had already believe that it was not ascertainable.

What is this reward? Well I believe that it's a gift from God for my investing my time to the arts and culture that NK Arts offers.

Still wondering what I'm talking about? Well I can't tell you now, but if God rewards me as I feel He will, I'll write about it very soon so you can understand that good things come to people that do good for others without waiting for anything in return.

Some of you know what I'm talking about and for those that know, I hope you agree with what I've stated above.

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