Monday, September 08, 2003

A transponder was delivered today for a new television channel we will be broadcasting in the name of the Shahan Natalie Family Foundation, Inc., here in Martuni and eventually if we can pull it off, the whole country. Our channel is strictly educational and cultural (a new concept here).

For years I've been trying to get little children off the street and into pre-schools, but the needs were too financially prohibitive and in the end, though I would do something in this regard, it was never quite what I felt was needed.

I then decided last year that instead of getting the children into classrooms, why not use what resources already exist in people homes and put the classroom right into the homes via that stupid box I have come to hate so much for the garbage it plants in peoples heads.

So to start with, once things are up and running (which should be tomorrow), we will be re-broadcasting Armenian television Y1 that I get on satellite.

After that, I will put a committee together of parents, community members and educators to decided what they would recommend to us as appropriate material to broadcast in terms of cultural cohesiveness. I think I'm also going to invite the head of the Martuni KGB onto the committee just so they know exactly what we are doing.

The general idea will be to put on a couple of hours of programming for pre-schoolers in the morning (Armenian Sesame Street kind of programs). After 1 PM when the school children get home, a couple of hours of something appropriate for them. At prime soap opera time, we will put on maybe a good cooking show or something that will be more desirable for the lady of the house. At night something for the whole family, maybe some movie that teaches some moral (the old Frunzig classics are always good for this). We could also have some useful programs about maybe farming, finance and business every now and then to give ideas to people on better ways to make their work more productive and maybe improve their lives in a small way.

One thing I will insistent that the committee considers is that we do not put on any programs that promote or imply a lifestyle that one can't truly ascertain here via honest means, meaning our programs will not be about let's say life in New York, showing bright lights and fancy cars. God know there are already enough of those kinds of shows out there.

The biggest thing I want after we do this much is to put together a small studio for a daily homework show (you may have seen this kind of program in America), which is basically a call-in show that is done live and children call in to ask a teacher to help them with a homework problem, which they solve in our studio for all to see. This would make our channel very popular with everyone, as everyone here is into knowledge and everyone would be calling in just to talk on television or listen to see who calls in. For now, this program will have to wait, as it will take a bit more finance than I have right now to work with, though I am exploring the possibility of finding someone with some old studio equipment that is collecting dust that they could turn into a tax write-off.

Anyway, I'm very excited about this new television channel, as I know what impact it will have, especially on those little kids I see everyday hanging out in the streets that everyone knows should be in pre-school learning during their formative years.

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