Saturday, August 09, 2003

I was not going to log tonight, as I was in Stepanagert all day doing work for the NK Arts festival and I got home a couple of hours ago and have been working for 2 hours on the meeting summaries for my boss Neery.

This NK Arts festival is one big deal here and I didn’t even know it. The minister of culture thinks it's THEE THING and he is ready to everything in his power to help us (which I really believe he will do).

To tell you the truth, I didn’t really know all that much about it until after the minister of culture filled me in on all they have done.

I will write more about this program and also I am definitely going to hit you all up for funds to help this very important program, this of course after I get some sleep and also myself learn more about what I’m getting myself into.

I will say that today was 7 non-stop hours of meeting for me with everyone and their mothers and though it totally ruined all my scheduled appointment, including a television interview I suppose to give for a half-hour program about me and my family, I was loving every minute of myself and didn’t even mind that I had no time to eat anything all day until I got home at 10 PM.

And from my meetings, I had the honor to pick-up another story for my book which until after I resolve this issue, I’m going to keep it to myself, but will just say it has to do with one of the 7 regional ministers that I think in the end I’m going to do our people a favor and do him like I did our Martuni regional minister a couple of years back. Ah, the good old days!!! And for this one, I wont need any camo-paint or flack-vest. I may even do this one with a velvet glove.

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